victor hugo
]Latest from victor hugo
Existential WFH Qs for the weekend (it is the weekend, right?)
Most workplaces went casual long before the pandemic (Brooks Brothers has applied for bankruptcy), and athleisure has been a trend for well nigh a decade-and-half, so there is no need to dress up.

Roundabout: My Other Half – Telling tales of the storyteller from Sialkot
Urdu fiction writer Joginder Paul (1025-2016) gave a sensitive pen to Partition with memorable fiction such as Dera Baba Nanak and Sleepwalkers. His wife Krishna looks back at the man as she turns 90

Victor Hugo Birth Anniversary: Here are books and quotes by the poet and author one must read
Most famous for the classics Les Miserables and the Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Victor Marie Hugo was born on February 26, 1802.

Notre Dame reminds us of the fragility of our history
The lesson it teaches us is we, together, are creators of beauty. Time is the architect, but people are the masons

Travel: A winter in Paris
Despite the chill of February winds, the City of Lights sets out a warm welcome