UPSC CSE Prelims result 2024 awaited on
The results will be announced on the commission's websites, and
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is expected to announce the Civil Services Preliminary examination results (UPSC CSE Prelims result 2024) soon. The results will be announced on the commission's websites, and UPSC Prelims result 2024 live updates

Talking about last year, the exam was held on May 26 and the result was declared on June 12. If the commission follows a similar pattern this year, the Prelims scores can be expected soon as the test was held on June 16.
Read: UPSC CSE Prelims 2024: AI App solves entire paper within 7 minutes, scores over 170
The exam was conducted in two shifts for general studies paper 1 and paper 2, and for a total of 400 marks. All questions were objective-type carrying four options. Candidates had to select one correct or most appropriate answer for each question.
As per experts, this year's CSE prelims paper was easier compared to the recent years and cut-off scores will likely be on the higher side.
“Overall, our assessment is that the cut-off for the prelims this year will increase. The paper is on the lines of 2021–22, and the expected cut-off should be between 95 and 100,” Jaikrit Vatsal, Head of Academic operations of the Rau’s IAS Study Circle, said.
Read: UPSC Paper Analysis: Know what experts said about the Civil Services Prelims exam 2024
After the Prelims examination result is announced, the selected candidates will be called for the Mains round, which consists of two parts – a written examination and a personality test.
The UPSC Civil Services Mains Examination 2024 is tentatively scheduled to be held from September 20 onwards, as per the exam calendar of the commission.
To qualify in the Prelims examination, a candidate must score at least 33 per cent marks in the GS paper 2 and the total qualifying marks in the GS paper 1.
This year, the UPSC is conducting the Civil Services examination for 1,056 vacancies in the central government services and departments. This includes the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), the Indian Police Service (IPS), and the Indian Foreign Service (IFS).
Of the total vacancies, 40 are reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD).
How to check UPSC Prelims Result 2024 when announced
- Go to
- Go to the ‘What’s New' tab and open the CSE Prelims result link.
- A PDF containing the roll numbers of shortlisted candidates will open. Check and download it.